Pronoun Perspectives

 Pronoun Perspectives

This is a brand new course!

Pronoun Perspectives
Come join KnewMeJournaling's facilitator Laurie Benson 
for this new workshop in February!

Feb 6 and Feb 7 (Monday) from 6:00-7:30 PM MST


Feb 26 (Sunday) from 1:00-3:00 (consolidated workshop)

If you are interested in journaling about pronouns, and gaining a whole new perspective, this is the course for you.  The facilitated writing prompts will be topics that are inclusive and enlightening.  Guidelines for this course are anonymity and confidentiality as participants respect the value of this journaling and sharing in a community.  Your journal will help you understand how you feel about pronouns!  How exciting!

Virtual, fun, insightful, and very rewarding to be with a group of other people writing to connect and share insights.

Feb 6 (Monday 6-7:30 MST) Pronouns with Robert Frost

Feb 7 (Tuesday) 6:00-7:30 PM MST) Furniture has pronouns (who knew?)

or journal it all in one consolidated class!  Consolidated classes are a great price: $50

Feb 26 (Sunday 1:00-3:00 PM MST) 

Great price! 60.00


email if you'd like to save a spot or you have questions.
